Saturday, January 16, 2021

#RELIANCE trades

This week I continued with the method that I tried last week

After a debacle on Monday, I decided to trade only #RELIANCE, since I am able to enter with very small stop losses in #RELIANCE. It might make sense to stick to just one scrip, since there is a greater chance to catching good moves in the scrip. This plans works only if (Warning: Zen philosophy alert)

  1. There is a good move in the scrip
  2. I am able to catch that move

Since the entries are with small stop losses, I could risk taking multiple hits before catching a good move, and still not be hurt much.

This idea worked for 2 days, and then got hit by a series of losses. That made me drop Stop and Reverse trades, just to reduce the number of trades (here the thought is that every trade = potential loss)

** There was a period when I used to avoid using the terms 'win' and 'loss' in reference to my trades. But now I am out of that phase. Now, even when I use the terms 'win' and 'loss', mentally I am just thinking 'plus' and 'minus'.

Trades on Monday, Jan 11, 2021

6 losses - 2 each in #INFY, #BANKNIFTY and #HDFCBANK, followed by a small gain in #RELIANCE. Result: -4.5x

#INFY opened gap-up in the morning. I just wanted to get in, hoping for a strong move in either directions. Did not happen.

#BANKNIFTY trades with small Stop Losses. Quick stop loss hits.

#HDFCBANK short did not work. Then I reversed to long by mistake, because I forgot to cancel the SAR order.

Small gain in the last trade in #RELIANCE.






Trades on Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021

Traded only #RELIANCE. Second trade was a winner. Result: +11x

The first trade, short, had the SL hit quickly. Did not SAR.

Got a long entry soon enough. I was under tremendous mental pressure to lock in some profits. Reason for the pressure: Losses in the previous trading days. Managed to ward off the pressure, and got to exit at almost the high of the day.




Trades on Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021

Only 1 trade. #RELIANCE. Result: +7x

Early morning entry. I was not under any mental pressure to lock in profits on this day. Reason: Win in the previous trading day. So even when +12x reduced to +7x, I was hardly bothered.




Trades on Thursday, Jan 14, 2021

7 trades in #RELIANCE. Result: -5x

The system had a grahana on Sankranthi. Bad day. Got whipped, whipped, whipped. I was expecting that this system would give about 4, or at max 5 trades on a whipsaw day. But on this day, I was already in 7 trades and 6 losses before lunch.

Keeping the Stop Loss small has its advantages. At the end of the day, decided to avoid SAR (Stop and Reverse) trades just to avoid the number of trades (potential losses.)




Trades on Friday, Jan 15, 2021 

3 trades in #RELIANCE. All losses. Result: -3x

Missed out on the best move of the day, the drop that began just before 2 PM. Could not identify any small risk entry after that since the scrip was volatile after the drop.



Next steps

I had a serious look at the options charts for the first time in more than six years. This method seems tailor-made for options. Taking small stop losses in the hope of catching a big move. Big moves from narrow ranges happen all the time in options. Somehow, I am still not impressed with the options charts, though I did identify some of those setups. For the moment, I still prefer the small SL setups in #RELIANCE. Options are still on the table, though.

I am more impressed with potential of this system on the commodities chart. I found multiple setups in all the charts that I looked - #CRUDEOIL, #GOLD, #SILVER, #COPPER, #LEAD, #NICKEL and #ZINC. These setups look much better and more consistent than those on any of the Stock Futures chart. I can catch some very good moves that start after 2 PM. I should seriously be trading this method on commodities. What's preventing me is life. Nowadays, get out of the house after 3:30 PM for 2-4 hours. Will try this method on commodities as soon as I am able to reschedule my routine.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Trying Entries with small Stop Losses

I am trying out another variation of the Range Compression Trading System. I like this so far. It seems to have potential. The idea is to take entries with tight Stop Losses, and trail the Stop Loss only when there is significant profit.

This is still WIP. So the rules are still fluid, vague and changing. Some are mechanical, some are left to to discretion - the rules cover scrip selection, entry, initial stop loss and trailing stop loss - all are currently WIP.

Trades on Wednesday, Jan 6, 2021

First 3 trades netted losses, and the fourth trade covered the losses. Scratch day.

The first 2 trades were in #HDFCBANK. As I said, the rules are still fluid. At the start of the day, I had not planned to take trades within previous day's range, but took those trades out of impatience.

#BANKNIFTY was an ok trade, I think.

The last trade was in #RELIANCE - again, I overrode my rules when I took that entry. And that one worked, so I added similar entries to my rules for the next day.

I also looked at #NAUKRI. It was a lively chart. A good point to go long in the first hour, and later points to go short are clearly visible on the chart. Please acknowledge my expertise in analyzing the chart after the end of the trading day. 





Trades on Thursday, Jan 7, 2021

Another scratch day. 3 losses, followed by a winner that covered the losses.

First entry signal - a strong one - was to short #INFY. Did not take that short because it was within previous day's range. But this one would have worked well. So, now I have iffy rule about entering within previous day's range.

First trade was in #BANKNIFTY. I think it was a good entry location though it resulted in a loss.

Next, a long in #INFY. Entry was good, I think. Could have reversed to short, but there are so many ifs and buts.

Next was a short in #RELIANCE. Just shaken out before it moved down. 

Then the #NIFTY short that made money. Nice short, I think. Was patient with my trailing stop.






Trades on Friday, Jan 8, 2021

-1.5x loss day. Initially, took impatient trades that got me in the negative. Then got into a trade that started moving late in the day. If I had just held on, this would have been another day of 3 losses, followed by 1 winner that covered the losses. But मैंने खुद के पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी मार दिया and tightened my stop loss. Even that early exit was fine, but then I decided to shoot myself in the foot. I tried one more impatient trade in the last few minutes on the day. My foot hurts.    

First 2 trades in #INFY, a long and then a SAR to short. Both did not work, but were within my entry rules. I think the entry location was good. Look at the gap with which #INFY opened. I thought it could have gone either way, and hence my impatience. Still ambiguous about whether I should take such entries or not.

I was still not done with liking the #INFY chart, so took another trade that lost.

Then, a long in #NIFTY that did not move for a long time. So when it started moving.... well after sometime I got jittery and tightened my stop loss. Mistake.

Took one more trade in #INFY. Impatient trade - don't really know why I took it - FOMO maybe? #INFY was moving fast at that point, and I took a gamble on short.

And then there are a couple of charts that I started watching only after mid-day. #MARUTI and #WIPRO moves had serious money. Scrip selection is important. Catch a full move like this and my week is made. 



