Saturday, January 2, 2016

Partial Day Trading Statistics of Q4 2015

This page contains the day trading performance statistics that I had recorded from October 30 to December 9, 2015. It is to archive the data that I had already collected and updated on the Trading Stats page.

This data is not very useful for the following reasons:
  1. I was trading a mishmash of trading systems during this period - both mechanical and discretionary... just the compulsive System Hopping that I do. Initially, the number of daily intraday trades were few, but later on increased in number. So, this data does not help much in evaluating or even comparing different trading methodologies and systems.
  2. Crucially, I stopped collecting data when I hit a bad losing streak, and had a huge drawdown. Probably, the most important focus of such stats is to identify and fix the weaknesses of the systems, and in that regard this data is useless. The Ostrich Syndrome of trying to ignore losses does not help.
I hope to be updating the Trading Statistics page with fresh data in 2016...

Day Trading: Profit by Trade and Cumulative Profit

Day Trading: Profit by Trade and Cumulative Profit

Day Trading: Profit and Loss by Long and Short Trades

Day Trading: Profit and Loss by Long and Short Trades

Day Trading: Statistics by Intraday Trades

Day Trading: Statistics by Intraday Trades

Day Trading: Profit and Loss by Intraday Trades

Day Trading: Profit and Loss by Intraday Trades

Day Trading: Trendline - Profits vs. Holding Period

Day Trading: Trendline - Profits vs. Holding Period

Day Trading: Consolidated Performance Statistics

Day Trading: Consolidated Performance Statistics

Day Trading: Performance Report by Day

Day Trading: Performance Report by Day

Click here to go to my Trading Statistics Page

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satta king